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Richard Stainthorp to ask the Lead Councillor for Culture Heritage and Recreation: William Marshal As I am sure the Lead Councillor is awar...

15 May 2012

We need more hiring, not more firing

We need more hiring not more firing

 This is an extract from http://www.unionstogether.org.uk/page/s/hiring-not-firing.  It is a campaign I am supporting as a trade unionist and citizen -

'After a drubbing in the local elections, and with millions of people unemployed, we might have expected this Government to come up with some ideas to get people back into work.

But instead, in the Queen’s Speech, the Tories and Lib Dems have put forward a collection of policies to make it easier for employers to sack people.

Increasing job insecurity is not a path out of the recession. We need people in good, secure jobs, spending in the local economy - not more people on the dole, and millions more saving instead of spending, as they are worried about whether their job is safe.

Will you sign our letter to David Cameron and Vince Cable telling them they’ve got it wrong?
Dear Dave and Vince, are you really listening?

Your plans in the Queen’s Speech to make it even easier to put people out of work show that your Government has got its priorities back to front.

2.65 million people in the UK are out of work – your Government should have a plan to create jobs, not to make it easier to sack people.

You’ve already taken away protection from unfair dismissal from millions of people by raising the threshold to two years. The changes you are making to tribunals will make it even harder for people who have been treated unfairly at work to get justice.

Increasing job insecurity is not a path out of the recession. We need people in good, secure jobs, spending in the local economy - not more people on the dole, and millions more saving instead of spending, as they are worried about whether their job is safe.

After the local election results, both your Parties promised you are listening. If you really are listening, then start focusing on the real priority – getting people into work, not making it easier to put people out of work.

From the working people of Britain

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