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Question to council: William Marshal

Richard Stainthorp to ask the Lead Councillor for Culture Heritage and Recreation: William Marshal As I am sure the Lead Councillor is awar...

22 Oct 2011

Council forums and working groups are re-launched as Labour says “Let’s talk”

Reading & District Labour Party press release:

Since regaining control of the Council in May, the new Labour administration has moved fast to re-launch and re-invigorate the consultative forums that the Conservative/LibDem Coalition had axed as part of its budget savings.

The Coalition Cabinet voted in November 2010 to scrap the Pensioners Working Group, Access Forum, Ethnic Minorities Forum, Green City & Open Spaces Forum, Transport Users Forum, Arts Forum, Sports Development Forum and the Safer Reading Neighbourhood Action Group Forum, but, says Jon Hartley, Lead Councillor for Transforming Services, the new Labour administration has either re-established them or replaced them with new expanded consultative forums, covering the costs by cutting the servicing of internal meetings.

19 Oct 2011

Support Gurkhas - petition and council motion

Last night we had a full council meeting.  This gives the opportunity for members of the public to present petitions and ask questions.  Councillors can also ask questions, debate and vote on reports and recommendations from committee and debate and pass motions on various subjects.

One of the motions passed last night, with unanimous support was as follows:

14 Oct 2011

Out and about with Reading RESCUE

I have just got back from a very enjoyable 1 1/2 hours litter picking along the Thames towpath from the Roebuck hotel to Scours Lane.  I was working with a really friendly team from Blandy and Blandy and I would like to thank them for having me along.  It was part of the latest Reading RESCUE project.

12 Oct 2011

Tesco Express Oxford Road plans rejected!!!!

Just heard the great news that the Tesco application at Parsons Garage on the Oxford Road has been rejected.  Residents and local businesses were very concerned about the impact this store would have on their lives and livelihoods.

9 Oct 2011

Garden review of the year

October has begun and the garden is shutting down.  It's been a funny growing season with a very warm start, disappointing middle and hot end.  At least there wasn't much watering to do.
My raspberries that fruited again in the late autumn heat!

My successes, once again, were the raspberries.  I got loads of them early in the season.  I am going to halve my existing canes and get some autumn ones to extend the season.  I also got a good handful of blueberries in my first year with the new bushes.  The carrots did well in troughs and the potatoes OK in pots.  The most prolific being the variety Vivaldi.  The strawberries did well but I think I moved them too late and I expect next year to be better.