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Question to council: William Marshal

Richard Stainthorp to ask the Lead Councillor for Culture Heritage and Recreation: William Marshal As I am sure the Lead Councillor is awar...

22 Aug 2012

We love Rhymetime so we'll see you on Friday!

I am going to be at Rhymetime on Friday, partly for fun, but also to speak to those attending. 

It was brought to Battle Coucillors attention that attendance was to be limited to 60 adults per session.  We met with the library team to talk about this as we don't want to see people being turned away from a library activity.  It's tough enough getting our of the house with babies and toddlers in tow without it being a wasted journey.

The boys and I will be having a good sing then staying after the 10.30-11 session to talk to people about this proposal and any other local issues they may have.  I've said before that we are trying a few new things this year and this will mean we get to speak to a new group of people.

15 Aug 2012

Introducing Community First

I am lucky to be on the panel of Community First which has funding available to groups and organisations in Battle ward.  We are just getting started but already have the following in place:

Blog: www.communityfirstbattle.blogspot.com
Twitter: @BattleComFirst
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BattleWardCommunityFirst

We are looking to open the next funding application window in September so please take a look and get in touch if interested.  We can be reached on battleward.reading@rva.org.uk.

10 Aug 2012

What's happening above the old Co-op? UPDATED

UPDATE 15 AUGUST 2012: This planning application is no longer going to Augusts planning committee as it's not considered ready yet. 

As Councillors we are notified of the planning applications received in our ward.  One of the recent ones received is for flats above the old Co-op, now a Costcutter.  We have heard that residents are concerned about this development so we have asked it be considered by planning committee and have sent the following to local residents:

'Dear Resident

Over the last twelve months or so a number of local people have expressed an interest in what might be happening to the first floor of the old Co-op building. I thought you might like to know that this week we learnt that an application for planning permission to redevelop the first floor of the building has been received by Reading Borough Council and is currently out for public consultation.

Members of the public who live in the locality are invited to comment on the application. This can be done by writing to: Louisa Johnson, Civic Centre, Reading Borough Council, Reading RG1 7AE or by email: louisa.johnson@reading.gov.uk or you can contact me at: sarah.hacker@reading.gov.uk and I will pass on your comments. Your comments must be received by no later than Monday 13 August 2012.
The application is for three x 2-bed flats and six x 1-bed flats with external roof terraces. You can view the plans and associated documents on the councils website: www.reading.gov.uk.  Click the front page link: view planning application and then click the link: Enter PublicAccess for Planning.  In the search box type in application reference: 12/00749/FUL, this will take you to the application summary.  Click the documents tab the click: View Associated Documents.  This will open a list of documents that you will be able to view in Acrobat Reader.  To open a document click on any of the blue dates to the left.'
We have extracted the plans for you so if you only want to look at the plans without having to navigate the council’s website click here.
Please let me, Cllr Maskell or Cllr Khan know of you have any comments or concerns and we will pass them on.

1 Aug 2012

World Breastfeeding Week!

This week is World Breastfeeding Week.  I am a supporter of breastfeeding and a mothers right to feed her child as and when she needs to.  I breastfed my eldest son and, thankfully, was never challenged but mother are still being told to stop, feed in the toilets, that it's disgusting and akin to peeing in public.  This shows an appalling attitude to mothers feeding their child in the normal, natural way.

Before anyone starts on about how difficult it is I will tell you now I struggled and, despite great support from the Royal Berkshire Hospital Breastfeeding Clinic and the Breastfeeding Network, who have sessions throughout Reading, I only managed 3 1/2 months.  My youngest was 91/2 weeks premature so was fed expressed breastmilk for 7 months.

I was so grateful for the support I received with my eldest I trained as a breastfeeding helper and could regularly be found at the Battle Library session until I went back to work.

You don't have to have had a great breastfeeding experience to be supportive, or even have breasts, but it is so important people get over their embarrassment and prejudices and allow mothers to feed their baby's in peace.

Here are some useful links for Reading mums:

Breastfeeding Groups with the Breastfeeding Network: http://www.breastfeedingnetwork.org.uk/reading.html
Royal Berkshire Hospital Breast Feeding Support Clinic: http://www.royalberkshire.nhs.uk/wards__departments/m/maternity/breast_feeding_support_clinic.aspx?theme=Patient