Reading Borough Council Press Release
A healthy living event is taking place in the town on Wednesday, February 8th.
People who live and work in Reading can go along to the Civic Offices from 10.30am-1.30pm, where adult social care and health professionals will be on hand to offer advice to those with long-term health conditions, such as diabetes, stroke, breathing problems and joint pain.
There will be free blood pressure checks and screening for diabetes.
From 10.30am-12.30pm, a series of lifestyle presentations will take place, led by Citizens' Advice Bureau, Arthritis Care, Diabetes UK, The Stroke Association and NHS Berkshire.
The event has been organised by Reading's Physical Disabilities and Sensory Needs Network (PDSN) a group which aims to improve the quality of life for people with physical disabilities, neurological conditions and sensory loss.
Mike Orton, lead councillor for adult social care, said: 'It is really important people take care of their health. This event is a good way for people who have long term health conditions to check themselves out and ask health professionals any questions.'
The PDSN Network is an organisation made up of adult social care service users, carers, representatives from national charities and local user-led organisations. This event will help people to improve their lives by seeing how they improve their health by changes in life style.
Regular meetings take place four times a year alongside special events and conferences focusing on issues of particular interest or concern for people with physical and/or sensory disabilities and their carers.
For more information call Nina Crispin on (0118) 937 2383 or email housingccstrategyteam@reading.