Beresford Road: it's being proposed that Beresford Road and surrounding streets, shown below, become a 20mph zone after residents expressed concerns about safety. We brought this up with officers a few weeks ago and it was included in the latest Oxford Road Corridor Study (ORCS) update at the last Traffic Management Sub-committee.
As a regular user of Beresford Road I know only too well how tight the road is for drivers and how hard it is to cross!
It will also be reviewed in phase two of the ORCS once both new Cow Lane bridges are open and changes to traffic flow can be considered.
Google Map. |
The Sherwood Street area is an enclosed area with the only entry/exits being Chester Street, Little Johns Lane, Gordon Place and Alma Street into the Oxford Road. If a small area is given residents parking, the parking issues will just be shifted into a nearby street which just moves the problem, not solves. This is why the whole area is being considered and I have asked it include the following streets:
Sherwood Street
Little Johns Lane
Chester Street
Gordon Place
Alma Street
Dorset Street
Westbrook Road
Fulmead Road and Thornton Mews
We will of course consult residents and the results of the consultation will determine what happens. If most people don't feel they need residents parking, the scheme will not go ahead.