I visited a couple of groups, one discussing libraries and the other old and young getting together in the community. Feedback from the event will be on the councils website shortly. It will make interesting reading, I'm sure.
This video, from the Reading Borough Council YouTube channel, beautifully explains the Let's Talk events that have happened and invites you to the 'Working Better With You - The Future' event.
It is at the Town Hall on Thursday 24th November 2011 at 5.30pm and is for you to hear about the views that have been gathered so far.
Whether or not you have already been a part of the programme by joining one of the Let’s Talk events, or completing a questionnaire, this is your opportunity to get involved. More information, and the on-line booking form, can be found here.
Hope to see you there!
Here is the Council's press release and a bit more information:
"Reading's Top Priorities to be Revealed
Press Release
The results of one of the biggest consultations ever seen in Reading will be revealed at a special community event in the Town Hall on November 24.Invites to the event are being sent to community groups right across the borough and other residents are also being invited to attend.
Places are limited so people are urged to put their names down by using the Council's booking form at www.reading.gov.uk/letstalkevents, email communications@reading.gov.uk or phone 0118 937 2098. Return slips are also being sent out in letters to community groups for them to register to attend the event.
Earlier this year Reading Borough Council launched a new way of working with local people, aimed at building long-lasting relationships with local residents and providing new opportunities to influence Council decisions and services. The 'We Need to Talk' public engagement initiative focused on the difficult decisions facing the council in the current economic climate and gave local people the chance to have their say on the issues that matter most to them and their communities.
Starting in the summer, the Council posed a number of key questions relating to the services it provides and people were asked to respond by completing questionnaires or visiting the Council website. There were also more than 30 daytime and evening community workshops spread across the borough's 16 wards.
Hundreds of responses have been received and Council officers have been busy analysing the results, which will be unveiled at the 'Working Better With You – The Future' event.
The feedback begins at 6pm on Thursday November 24. The top priorities as listed by local residents will then be announced and people attending will then be invited to split into different groups to discuss key themes in more detail.
Bet Tickner, Lead Cllr for Public Engagement, said: "Residents have responded positively to our consultation. It's time now to take things forward in terms of feedback to community groups and residents on the results of that exercise, the main themes emerging from what they said and their response when we ask the question: `Have we got it right in how we're planning to take forward what you've said?".
With public spending being reduced there are difficult budget decisions to be taken over the next few years. It is therefore more important than ever to listen to people's views on how the Council should spend their money. The Council has asked residents about the things that are important in their local communities, what they like and what they think can be improved.
Reading Borough Council believes services can work better and be more responsive if the people of Reading are more involved in how they are run. This programme – 'Reading: Working Better With You' - now underpins everything the council does."
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