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10 Nov 2011

New non-emergency number for Thames Valley Police

This was brought to the Oxford Road NAG (Neighbourhood Action Group) on Tuesday.  Please read and share:

'The Thames Valley Police non-emergency number is due to change. On 14th November 2011 the new number will be 101. This is the new national single non-emergency number and replaces the 0845 8 505 505 number. Both numbers will run side by side until the end of March 2012, but if demand for the 0845 8 505 505 number drops it may be discontinued earlier.

How will it work?

When you call 101, the system will determine your location and connect you to the police force covering that area. A recorded message will announce which police force you are being connected to. If you are on a boundary between two or more forces, the recorded message will give you a choice of which force to be connected to.

Police call handlers will then answer the calls and respond appropriately. You will not be put through to a large national call centre.

Calls to 101 (from both landlines and mobile networks) cost 15 pence per call, no matter what time of day the call is made, or the duration of the call.'

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