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Question to council: William Marshal

Richard Stainthorp to ask the Lead Councillor for Culture Heritage and Recreation: William Marshal As I am sure the Lead Councillor is awar...

28 Nov 2011

Concessions introduced for bulky waste collection

As a councilllor I spend a lot of my time reporting dumped and fly-tipped items to the council for collection.  If I see something when I am out with the boys or on the bus I make a note/take a photo and report it.  I also get contacted by residents about abandoned items, like mattresses and sofas.

A bed in Gordon Place
It is important the streets are kept clean but these things shouldn't be dumped in the first place.  They should be taken to the tip, given to charity/recycled if appropriate or residents should arrange for their collection and disposal.

Recently the cost of the Councils collection service may have proved too high for some after the two free collections for concessionary 'Your Reading Passport' holders were removed by the previous administration.  Tonight, at Cabinet, the Labour administration are proposing  to introduce a 25% discount for concessionary 'Your Reading Passport' holders. This means that for elderly, disabled or residents on low incomes, the cost of the collection of up to 5 items or a fridge/freezer from a doorstep will be reduced to £24.68p and for the collection of 6 to 10 items the cost would be reduced to £32.03.

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