As the parent of a reception age child I know only too well the anxiety
and worry school allocation caused this year. The shortage of places was
predicted but the location of these shortages was not. It quickly became
apparent there was a problem in Battle and the Oxford Road corridor and I
ensured the concerns of parents were made known in the various meetings I
attended while the bulge classes were identified and transport problems
It was suggested early on that a good subject for Let's Talk would be education and school places are an ongoing challenge. The event in Battle is Thursday 25 October at 4pm at Oxford Road Community School, 146 Oxford Road, RG1 7P. I urge as many people to attend as possible as this is a very important subject.
If you are unable to attend please complete the survey. I have included the link in the top right hand corner. Just click Let's Talk Education. Battle is in the Central West planning area.
Please see below the press release from Reading Borough Council:
Let's Talk Education
Borough Council is exploring ways of increasing the number of school places
across the borough to meet the level of demand forecast for the next ten years.
A national shortage of primary
and secondary school places is being mirrored in Reading . Only this year the
Council spent £2 million providing an additional 260 places for four year olds
starting school. Current estimates are that in Reading, an additional 12 forms
of entry (or 360 primary school places) will be needed every year from
September 2013. By September 2017 all existing secondary school capacity will
be full.
Let’s Talk Education wants to
hear from local residents, parents, schools and any other interested groups.
Your views will help shape the Council’s plan to meet the demand for primary
and secondary school places in Reading .
Your views, gathered in the
consultation, will enable Reading Borough Council to have a better
understanding of how people feel about the choices that impact on decisions
about school places. These choices include things like school sizes,
educational standards, admissions and transport options, as well as the impact
on the local environment.
The Council has scheduled a
series of ‘Let’s Talk Education’ events in each of the local communities in the
town. You do not have to be parents to attend, every local residents is invited
to make their views known.
Talk Education Events
15 October • 4pm
Moorlands Primary School, Church End Lane, Tilehurst,
RG30 4UN
15 October • 6:30pm
Micklands Primary School, Micklands Road, Caversham,
16 October • 4pm
Whitley Park Primary School, Basingstoke Road, Whitley,
18 October • 4pm
New Town Primary School, School Terrace,
18 October • 6:30pm
Southcote Primary School, Silchester Road,
RG30 3EJ
25 October • 4pm
Oxford Road Community School, 146 Oxford Road,
on Secondary Schools Places
Wednesday 17 October • 6:30pm
The Town Hall, Blagrave Street, RG1 1QH
The Town Hall, Blagrave Street, RG1 1QH
Meetings will include a
presentation on the shortage of school places across the borough. You will then
have the opportunity to ask any questions that you might have and give any
If you are not able to make one
of the events you can make your views known by completing the survey which will
be available online here. The closing date for
the consultation is 7 November 2012.
At the end of the consultation,
the Council will provide feedback on the views received, and on how they will
help shape schools' policy in the future.
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