Thinking back to the last year is hasn't been that wet really. Dull, yes. Cool, yes but wet? No. The water we drink and use around the home has to come from somewhere and that somewhere is rain. It rains into rivers, reservoirs, onto the ground and onto man-made surfaces. Rain that falls onto the ground seeps through the soil and underlying rock and is held as groundwater or in aquifers. Thames Water can then collect this water for our consumption. If it isn't replenished we face drought (see this story from the BBC).
What can we do? There are some simple water saving methods:
- Turn of the tap while brushing your teeth.
- Fit a water saving device into your toilet cistern.
- Use only the water you need while cooking and making drinks.
- Use a watering can rather than a hose for the garden.
- Install free water saving devices from Thames water which can be ordered here.
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