You may recall I wrote a blog post last year on the problems residents faced with inconsiderate dog owners failing to clear up their dog's mess: Dog Pooh Problem?
Despite getting new dog waste bins installed, the problem hasn't really got any better. Dogs can't clear up their own mess so it is strictly down to their owners! Battle councillors have been asking the Lead Councillor for Environment and Climate Change, Paul Gittings, for action on this horrible problem.
Battle councillors are very pleased to hear that Battle will be the first ward to have a dedicated campaign on dog fouling, starting on13 June in Kensington Park and surrounding areas. Let's hope this helps educate owners and we see a reduction in the number of fouled pavements.
'Council To Call Foul on Inconsiderate Dog Owners
Reading Borough Council Press Release
Reading Borough Council's Dog Warden Service and the Street Care
Environment team is getting ready to call foul on inconsiderate dog
walkers who fail to clean up their pets mess, thanks to a new borough
wide campaign.
Starting from 13th June, the Dog Warden Service will be building on a
similar campaign carried out in Whitley earlier this year, by
" Kensington Park and surrounding areas (13th June)
" Newtown area (11th July)
" Wensley Road and Coley area (8th August)
" Bromley Walk/Elevaston Way, Tilehurst Area (12th September)
" Southview Ave/Montague Street area, Caversham (10th October)
As well as patrolling, officers will spray painting any dog mess left
behind to highlight the problem, as well as issuing £75 fixed Penalty
Notices to anyone found not clearing up after their dogs.
Each year thousands of complaints are received by local authorities
nationally about dog mess. While the majority of owners are responsible
and pick up after their dog, a careless few are still giving dog owners a
bad name. Reading Borough Council has been consulting with residents
through the 'We Need to Talk' which showed one of the major areas
Reading residents wanted strong action on were anti-social dog walkers
who failed to clean up after their pets.
Reading Borough Council's Lead Councillor for Environment and Climate
Change, Cllr Paul Gittings, said: 'Residents constantly bring up the
issue of dog mess as a major problem in consultations, or in individual
Councillor surgeries. I am delighted to see that we are expanding this
campaign borough wide and I am sure it will educate inconsiderate
pet-owners about the importance of cleaning up after their pets.'
For more information please contact Reading Borough Council's Dog Warden Service on 0118 9372251'

Welcome to my blog. I am using it to keep you updated on my work as a councillor for Battle ward, Chair of the Art and Heritage forum and an activist for Unite the Union. I cover the issues affecting Battle ward and Reading residents. There may also be the occasional random post about things I am interested in.
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