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Question to council: William Marshal

Richard Stainthorp to ask the Lead Councillor for Culture Heritage and Recreation: William Marshal As I am sure the Lead Councillor is awar...

19 Feb 2011

UPDATED: Outstanding schools in Reading: A question to the Council

West Reading, and the Oxford Road area, have recently had two 'outstanding' reports from Ofsted - Gloucester Road Playgroup in Battle and Wilson Primary School in Norcot.  I have asked the Council if they would consider a small celebration, at the end of the school year, for all 'outstanding' childcare providers, playgroups, pre-schools and schools.  I believe these success stories should be celebrated and that we should be proud of these achievements.  I shall update you with their response.

UPDATE:  I got a response today confirming all 'outstanding' providers will be celebrated:

'Currently all Childminders who receive an Outstanding Ofsted inspection outcome     receive a letter of congratulations from the Head of Early Years. The termly newsletter produced by the Quality team for all Childcare and Early Education Providers records all the Ofsted inspection outcomes under a congratulations banner. In addition the Quality Advisory team will offer congratulation during their visits.

Schools that receive either a good or outstanding outcome receive a letter of congratulations from the Director of Education and Childrens services and the Head of School Improvement.

Since the introduction of the EYFS 11 private or voluntary EY settings and 28 childminders have been judged as outstanding

At the termly Providers Forum on the 28th June 2011 a celebration of achievements will take place. All settings and Childminders who have received an outstanding Ofsted will be presented with a certificate of achievement.'

1 comment:

  1. That's a very good idea indeed, I hope they see sense and do it! :o)
