Our next meeting is Wednesday 2 July at the Civic Office from 6.
Members of the forum have set up a Facebook group which interested folks can join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/836453313036092/?fref=ts
I am also pleased to say Reading Borough Council are launching a consultation on Reading Arts, Heritage and Sports. Once the consultaion is online I will provide a link from this blog.
The full press release is here:
'Have Your Say on Reading Arts, Heritage and Sport
RESIDENTS, visitors and businesses are being asked their views on sport and culture in Reading as part of the ‘Your Say: Arts, Heritage and Sport’ consultation.
Running from 9th June until 30th September, ‘Your Say: Arts, Heritage and Sport’ will help to shape Reading’s new culture and heritage strategy, and is being developed by Reading Borough Council with community groups and partners including The Cultural Partnership, Reading UK CIC, Reading College and creative arts charity, jelly.
There’s loads going on already in Reading and real potential to further develop this into the future. Responses will be used to shape the strategy and generate ideas on how sport and culture can play an even bigger role in promoting wellbeing and be an integral part of an even more vibrant and economically successful town.
Lead Member for Culture, Sport and Consumer Services, Cllr Paul Gittings said:
“Reading is a vibrant town with a rich history of arts and culture and sporting achievement.
“We know that there is a lot going on in the Borough, both through council-run programmes and through voluntary sector and community groups. We would like to get a more complete picture of what people think of the town’s sport and culture provision and opportunities; what people get involved in and excited about; and how we can build on what we’ve got to enhance the quality of life for everyone in Reading.
“I would encourage residents, visitors and businesses to let us know what culture means to them and their aspirations for the future by completing the ‘Your Say: Arts, Heritage and Sport’ survey.
Short questionnaires are available at venues throughout the town including libraries, sports and leisure centres and the Civic Offices. A more detailed survey will be online at www.reading.gov.uk/yoursay from Monday 9th June. The consultation is open until 30th September and initial findings are due at the end of the year.'
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