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Richard Stainthorp to ask the Lead Councillor for Culture Heritage and Recreation: William Marshal As I am sure the Lead Councillor is awar...

5 Jan 2014

Get involved with the Abbey Quarter bid!

Reading Borough Council are putting together another bid for Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) money.  Having strong resident participation can only boost the bid.  If you care about the heitage of Reading, please read on and complete the consultation questionnaire.  I have! :

"Abbey Quarter Project Consultation

View of Abbey Ruins

The Council is putting together proposals for the conservation and promotion of Reading’s historic Abbey Quarter. The aim is to highlight the Quarter’s many heritage gems of both local and national importance to create a unique heritage destination for residents and visitors.

You can help us by taking a few minutes to complete our short online survey. This will inform our grant application to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) that will be submitted in February 2014.

Follow this link to complete the online survey to have your say.


The Abbey Quarter is an opportunity to reverse the previously piecemeal approach to the conservation and interpretation of historic monuments within the former precinct of Reading Abbey. Working with English Heritage we have already completed comprehensive condition surveys and investigations of the Abbey Ruins and Abbey Gate (both grade I listed buildings and Scheduled Ancient Monuments). These surveys have established a detailed schedule of repairs and a cost plan that will be included in our lottery funding bid.

Our new application to HLF will focus on the Abbey Ruins and Abbey Gate, site-wide interpretation, pedestrian signage, and a programme of events and activities. The HLF will assess our application against outcomes for heritage, people and communities. The project will encourage a wide range of people to visit and engage with the Abbey’s heritage through consultation, activities and evaluation.

You can find more information about the Abbey Quarter Project by following this link to the Reading Museum Website

Feedback from this consultation will be used to help support our application for Heritage Lottery Funding at the end of February. The results to this consultation will also be made available by the end of February.

The deadline for this consultation is Friday 31st January 2014 - 12noon."

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